WWE produced a cliffhanger angle at the end of Monday Night
Raw this week where Triple H could not continue his match with new Paul Heyman
protégé Curtis Axel aka Michael McGuillicutty, son of Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig.
Triple H sat in between the timekeeper’s table and the
announcer’s desk selling the war he went through with Brock Lesnar inside a
steel cage at Extreme Rules.
The concussion angle was designed to give Triple H an out
without having to job to Axel on his first night after being repackaged. Wrestling
fans have debated online on whether “The Cerebral Assasin” should have put over
Axel by having him take advantage of the injuries. Laying a major beatdown on a
future hall of famer would have given Axel instant credibility with fans.
Well there are certainly a segment of fans that still enjoy
seeing Triple H perform in the squared circle, I believe he did not need a
major angle like this to write him off television for the time being. The match
with Lesnar would have sufficed.
I believe the concussion angle should have been reserved for
a superstar who’s needed to show vulnerability since his rise atop the WWE
mountain. John Cena would have benefited from a concussion angle because he
would have shown the vulnerability that fans have been clamoring for years, if
not months.
Fans have been tired of “Super Cena” and the way he runs
roughshod over opponents like they do not pose a challenge. Cena getting a
concussion due to the Last Man Standing match with Ryback at Extreme Rules
would have made Ryback a dominant monster who took out WWE’s No. 1 hero and WWE
The injury would give Cena an out to let him recuperate from
nagging injuries while Ryback builds himself up as a heel WWE Champion taking
on superstars like Randy Orton, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio. Maybe WWE would build
up new faces while the leader of the Cenation takes a well-deserved break.
Triple H has nothing to gain with the concussion story,
unlike Cena who could use that injury to elevate Ryback or another heel
But when you are an aging superstar in his last years as a
wrestler and preparing to run the family business, any way to stay relevant helps
your career.